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See what people are saying about the AERIAL A1

Yanko Design - The AERIAL Hammock tent lets you take your comfortable camping experience to a higher level!
Coolector - The OPEONGO AERIALl A1 Tree Tent / Hammock is a solo camping system which offers unparalleled comfort, versatility and, perhaps best of all, is extremely simple to set up.

New Atlas - AERIAL hammock tent uses slackline suspension for a solid night's rest

 Bless This Stuff - The new Aerial A1 Tree Tent creates a whole new category of shelter by capturing all the features you find in a traditional tent along with the off ground benefits you get from a hammock.

Cool Business Ideas - Canadian startup Opeongo is now throwing another lightweight and versatile option into the mix

Gear Junkie - The Aerial is a cross between a tent and a hammock. But unlike a hammock, it has a flat and sturdy sleeping surface for the floor, almost like a climber’s portaledge.

Globo Surf - Combining the spaciousness of a tent with the convenience of a hammock, the Aerial A1 tree tent lets you experience a completely different way of camping, which will let you experience the outdoors in ways you didn’t think possible.

Dude I Want That - O peon, go! Collecteth mine AERIAL A1 Tree Tent and wrapeth its high tensile webbing straps 'round twin trees so I may slumber like the sloth!

Mike Shouts - One of the non-perks of camping is the damp ground. That and those native creepy crawlies that tried to bunk in with you. I don’t appreciate that and if you don’t too, Opeongo Aerial A1 Tree Tent/Hammock is the solution.

TheSuperBoo - The Aerial A1 is a hammock tent from Opeongo that allow the campers to sleep above the ground. - The latest Aerial A1 Tree Tent features a whole new category of accommodation as it is equipped with all the essential features you can find in a traditional tent. 

Geeky Gadgets - Aerial A1 lightweight tree tent, hammock combination hits Kickstarter

Neat Merch -Why does camping have to be limited to the ground? Now it doesn’t! Aerial A1 is the first tent of its kind. It is an Aerial Tent that provides comfortability, versatility, and functionality. 
International features 
Lo Ultimo - Spanish
Camplog Gear - Japanese
Whatnext - Polish









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